Add 300+ Natural voices in your assistant | Python


This code is a script that converts text to speech using the edge-tts tool and plays the resulting audio using the pygame module. The script takes a single argument called data, which is the text to be converted to speech. It first runs the edge-tts tool with the specified voice and text and writes the resulting audio to a file called "data.mp3". It then initializes the pygame module, loads the "data.mp3" file into the pygame mixer, and plays the audio file. The script has exception handling to handle any errors that might occur, and it cleans up by stopping the audio file and shutting down the pygame mixer when it is finished.

# Here is an explanation of each line of code in the provided script:

1 . Pip Install : 

  • pip install edge-tts
  • pip install pygame
  • pip install os

2 . Imports : 

  • import os
  • import pygame
  • import os: This line imports the Python os module, which provides functions for interacting with the operating system.
  • import pygame: This line imports the Python pygame module, which provides functions for creating games and other interactive applications.

#Example: edge-tts command

  • edge-tts --text "Hello, world!" --write-media hello.mp3
  • f'edge-tts --pitch="{pitch}" --rate="{rate}" --volume="{volume}" --voice "{voice}" --text "{text}" --write-media "{filename}"'

3. Explanation

  • voice = "en-GB-SoniaNeural"
This line creates a string variable called voice and sets its value to "en-GB-SoniaNeural", which is the voice to be used for text-to-speech.

  • def speak(data):
This line defines a function called speak that takes a single argument called data. The lines of code indented underneath this line are part of the function.

  • command1 = f'edge-tts --voice "{voice}" --text "{data}" --write-media "data.mp3"'
This line creates a string called command1 that includes a command to run the edge-tts tool with the specified voice and text, and writes the resulting audio to a file called "data.mp3". The f before the string indicates that this is an f-string, which allows you to embed expressions in a string by enclosing them in curly braces.

  • os.system(command1)
This line runs the command1 string as a command in the operating system. This will run the edge-tts tool and create the "data.mp3" file.

  • pygame.init()
This line initializes the pygame module.

  • pygame.mixer.init()
This line initializes the pygame mixer module, which is used for playing sounds.

 This line loads the "data.mp3" file created in the previous step into the pygame mixer module.

This line plays the audio file that was loaded into the pygame mixer.

  • while
This line creates a loop that will continue until the audio file has finished playing.

  • pygame.time.Clock().tick(10)
This line tells the pygame to wait for 10 milliseconds before checking if the audio file has finished playing.

  • except Exception as e:
 This line is the start of a block of code that will handle any exceptions that occur during the execution of the speak function. An exception is an error that occurs during the execution of a program.

  • print(e)
This line prints the exception object (e) to the console.

  • finally:
 This line is the start of a block of code that will always be executed, regardless of whether an exception occurred or not.

This line stops the audio file that is currently playing.
  • pygame.mixer.quit()
 This line shuts down the pygame mixer module.

3 . Full code Speak() Function V1: 

  • import os
  • import pygame

  • voice2 = 'en-GB-SoniaNeural'
  • def speak(data):
  • voice = 'en-US-SteffanNeural'
  • command = f'edge-tts --voice "{voice}" --text "{data}" --write-media "data.mp3"'
  • os.system(command)

  • pygame.init()
  • pygame.mixer.init()

  • try:

  • while
  • pygame.time.Clock().tick(10)

  • except Exception as e:
  • print(e)
  • finally:
  • pygame.mixer.quit()
Many people copy and paste the code without watching the video. 
Remember, true learning comes from understanding and implementing, not just copying and pasting. By actively working through the code, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the material and be better prepared to apply it to your own projects. 

[ In a few days, I will update this page with the code! ]

# 300+ Natural Voices  : 

Replace Voice as the short name from the list of voices

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